One of the original YouTube Creators!

Cheapy Lighter Laser Burner
Hack a cheap butane lighter and
make the world's first "flick-style"
burning laser lighter!
Is Your Girlfriend Cheating?
Track your banana or girlfriend!
You can find the Security Bit Set here: https://amzn.to/2W7Qjkc
How to Escape from Handcuffs
Here's how a magician might escape
from a pair of professional handcuffs.
Laser Flashlight Hack
Turn a Mini MagLite flashlight
into a burning laser pointer!
Most Popular Videos
Beer Can WiFi Booster
Give your WiFi a 2X - 4X
boost with a can!
World's Loudest Alarm Clock
Have trouble waking up in the morning?
You won't anymore with this ear-splitting
alarm clock hack. It can wake up the dead!
How to See in the Dark
See in complete darkness AND record it all
when I show you how to hack a camcorder
and build this stealthy nightvision headset!
9 Volt Battery Hack
You've seen it all over the internet but
this is the original version! In an emergency
you can hack a 9 volt battery and save the day!
Chill a Coke in 2 Minutes
Superchill soda, beer and other
drinks quickly! Here's the secret!
If you don't want ice in your drink,
this is the way to do it!